The story revolves around Akane’s daily activities, from going to school and cooking breakfast to chatting with onii-chan and hanging out after school, or simply lounging in the living room.
As a cute little sister, there’s not too much to do, and it’s perfectly fine to do nothing at all. Let onii-chan take care of everything, and don’t worry if you can’t get everything done in game, because you’ll eventually get it all.
For Akane, just being able to be with onii-chan is like stopping time. There’s no concrete ending to this game, as everything was resolved even before the game started.
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- Original Title : Setting: Kujira Sister
- Product ID : RJ01053267
- Release Date: 04/05/2023
- Censorship : Censored
- Language : English
- Developer : 210Studio
- Size : 356 MB
- Platform : Android
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