Adventure English Games PixxG RPG

Life Pressure

Accumulated stress, work pressure, sleeplessness.
She was recommended to a yoga class by her colleague to help her feel better. what about the next day
Will she be able to escape the pain of this stressful life?

How to
Eat, work, sleep, it’s a life simulation game.
You have to work to get the food and water you need to survive.
After that, you can unlock goals for the day, so you can earn more money.
Or unlock new yoga poses to help you release the pressures of this difficult life.

Video Trailer

Will Upload Soon.


  • Original Title : 人生圧力
  • Product ID : RJ01043350
  • Release Date: 01/04/2023
  • Censorship : Censored
  • Language : English
  • Developer : PixxG
  • Size : 225 MB
  • Platform : Windows

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