Etori Extreme Games Japanese Simulation

30 Days Left Until The Exam

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There are only 30 days left until your next important exam.
Study hard to pass this important exam!

Earn 50,000 experience points in 30 days and get a perfect score on your next exam.

Hire a teacher to help you pass this exam
You can walk, work, and shop

Exam Practice
Follow the arrow directions and press A, W, S, D to complete the exercise.
You can also practice while molesting your teacher at the same time.

H Mode
When your happiness level is full, press the H button to open the H scene.
You can adjust the speed of sex scenes. it’s a sex animation
The expression changes during the ejaculation scene.

Video Trailer

Will Upload Soon.


  • Original Title : 試験まであと30日
  • Product ID : RJ01138433
  • Release Date: 01/01/2024
  • Censorship : Censored
  • Language : Japanese
  • Developer : Etori
  • Size : 204 MB
  • Platform : Windows
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For Windows


  • Ali January 15, 2024

    I can’t download games why?

  • Kei January 15, 2024

    please make an android version

  • flipside January 17, 2024

    how i should download games if i see adblocker detected always.(i off my adblocker but this thing not disapear

  • Kei January 20, 2024

    Android version please

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