eroflashclub Extreme Games Japanese Simulation

Train Molester Simulation 2

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This is an erotica-style train molester simulation. You can also take them to the bathroom and do all sorts of things with them.
This time, it feels like the real thing happens after I take her to the bathroom.

This time’s target is girls with straight-on spats and short cuts.
This time, I tried to create the screen with a third-person perspective in mind.
Having someone hold it in their mouth in the toilet, Insert it. Let’s take off your clothes too.

Video Trailer

Will Upload Soon.


  • Original Title : 電車痴漢シミュレーション2
  • Product ID : RJ01120385
  • Release Date : 29/11/2023
  • Censorship : Censored
  • Language : Japanese
  • Developer : eroflashclub
  • Size : 34 MB
  • Platform : Windows
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For Windows


  • flipsy December 3, 2023

    how to Walkthrough this game? i mean first act,.

    • blink December 4, 2023

      me too.. cant seem to fill up the love meter

  • Long Tran December 4, 2023

    Fuck Android where

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