Chinese English Extreme Games Japanese Korean Puzzles TOGARIBANA

Task Of The Dead

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Task Of The Dead is a game in which a girl named “Putika” takes control of an enemy territory full of dangerous humanoids.
Instead of attacking, Petica will pass through the stages by completing tasks set by her enemies.

One day, she acquires her supernatural powers and uses them to pacify beings that attack people.
She often hears the voices of the world worrying about her because she is still innocent, but her self-confident girlfriend never thinks that she will fail. Perhaps because of her annoyance, the communication device for emergency rescue has also been turned off…

Enemies will appear one after another, so hurry up and conquer them.
If the time runs out without being able to complete the task, the game is over.
Putika is put into a lot of trouble…

Video Trailer


  • Original Title : Task Of The Dead
  • Product ID : RJ01148268
  • Release Date : 08/02/2024
  • Censorship : Censored
  • Language : English, Japanese, Chinese, Korean
  • Developer : TOGARIBANA
  • Size : 250 MB
  • Platform : Windows

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  • Anon February 17, 2024

    the start button didn’t work, anyone else have this problem?

  • Anon February 17, 2024

    the start button didnt work, anyone else have this problem?

  • Anon2 February 17, 2024

    nah. it’s worked

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