3D Adventure Android Animated English Games Shousaka94 Spanish Uncen Visual Novel

Spirit Lover

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Prepare for an exciting twist in your destiny when you wake up in a new world, transported by the mysterious power of a sephira crystal.
Without knowing it, you has been chosen for an extraordinary task: to conquer the hearts of the enigmatic girls called spirits. But this is not an ordinary conquest; The fate of the world depends on your success. His mission is to seal the powers of these exceptional beings in a unique and captivating way.

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  • Original Title : Spirit Lover
  • Version : 0.1 Public
  • Release Date: 01/09/2023
  • Censorship : Uncensored
  • Language : English, Spanish
  • Developer : Shousaka94
  • Size : [Win: 80 MB, Apk: 100 MB]
  • Platform : Windows, Android
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1 Comment

  • Anonymous September 4, 2023

    How do i go to the second room?

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