Action Adventure Chinese English Extreme Futa Games Japanese Pixel uzuraZanac

Seal of Lutellaria


Somewhere, out in the world, during an era of uncertainty, lies a region called Lutellaria, located in the northwest of the Kingdom. Long before the history books were written, one could find a place there, surrounded by high walls. No one knows for what purpose they were built. However, what is know, is that entering those walls is exceptionally difficult, and that all those bold enough to venture inside, never return…
This is one such tale…​

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  • Original Title : Seal of Lutellaria
  • Product ID : RJ01042384
  • Release Date: 07/04/2023
  • Censorship : Censored
  • Language : English, Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese
  • Developer : uzuraZanac
  • Size : 50 MB
  • Platform : Windows
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