Action Adventure Android Animated Chinese Dawnbreak Wind English Extreme Games Japanese

Metal Flame

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In 2XXX A.D., with the development of AI and robots, man and machine are living in peace.
But that was all changed…

Spreading like a virus, mechanical creatures from outerspace called ALM (alien living-metal) began taking control of robots networks… Mechanical monsters wreak havoc. Men are killed and women are used for human-machine hybridization experiments… To fight against the monsters, humanity develops battle machines which are operated through female brain waves which are immune to ALM’s hacking.

The name of said battle machine is… “Metal Flame”

Video Trailer


  • Original Title : Metal Flame
  • Product ID : RJ370711
  • Release Date: 05/08/2022
  • Censorship : Censored
  • Language : English, Japanese, Chinese, Korean
  • Developer : Dawnbreak Wind
  • Size : [Win: 477 MB, Apk: 424 MB]
  • Platform : Windows, Android

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  • Roi July 9, 2023

    Get stuck in the Menu at android version

  • VlaDick July 9, 2023

    Да ладно! Русский язык присутствует🇷🇺.

  • Anonymous August 6, 2023

    The Android version don’t let me start

  • Sky Dreams October 22, 2023

    Does anyone know how to escape the grip of a monster when our blood runs out?, on my Android I’m having a lot of trouble.

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