Animated Extreme Games Japanese Simulation yotsukase

And Tonight

It is a sleep simulation that plays tricks on a sleeping girl.
You can touch it by mouse operation.
Fill your heart while being careful not to wake it up, and use the small bottle to sleep deeper.
You can save time by touching the heart.

Video Trailer

Will Upload Soon.


  • Original Title :そして今夜も
  • Product ID : RJ01051561
  • Release Date: 04/04/2023
  • Censorship : Censored
  • Language : Japanese
  • Developer : yotsukase
  • Size : 30 MB
  • Platform : Windows

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For PC


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  • Lolified September 17, 2023

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  • DaxterGangster October 11, 2023

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  • DaxterGangster October 11, 2023

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  • muaz January 14, 2024

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