Adventure Animated Extreme FUSASUKE CHICHIZUKI Games Japanese

A Room Where You Can’t Leave Unless You Cum 16 Times In One Second

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An adventure game where you control a girl who is trapped in a room where she cannot get out unless she cums 16 times per second, leading her to escape.
The event scene is fully animated using Live2D.
Heroine Sara Aizen wakes up in an unknown facility.
Although she has a tasteless room, she reluctantly decides to explore in order to escape.
What awaits you there is a forced erotic event!
Acme items prepared just to increase her sensitivity
Raise your sensitivity to the maximum and escape from the room!
13 types of erotic events in total + 1 type as an extra
All events move smoothly with Live2D
If you have trouble exploring or solving puzzles, you can see hints.
It’s up to you to let her escape, or continue to have sex with her without letting her escape!

Video Trailer


  • Original Title : 1秒間に16回イかないと出られない部屋
  • Product ID : RJ01065548
  • Release Date : 05/01/2024
  • Censorship : Censored
  • Language : Japanese
  • Size : 115 MB
  • Platform : Windows
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For Windows


  • bob January 12, 2024

    please make an android version

  • random name January 29, 2024

    anyone know the medicine mixture

  • sebas January 30, 2024

    4 pink
    3 white
    2 blue
    1 yellow

  • crazyapple January 31, 2024

    anyone know the puzzle for multiple note room?

  • Noone January 31, 2024

    square = circle о

    = о =
    = = =
    о о =

  • Sen February 5, 2024

    anyone know the medicine mixture

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