eroflashclub Games Japanese Simulation

A game where you just get your sister to pull it out with your mouth


The older brother pays the money and begs to be pulled out with his mouth, and the younger sister is astonished but is swept away and agrees.
There are three scenes (1st day, 10th day, 30th day) with communication elements with my sister, and a free mode that specializes only in mouth elements. There are more things you can do, and your reactions will change.

Video Trailer

Will Upload Soon.


  • Original Title : 妹にお口で抜いてもらうだけのゲーム
  • Product ID : RJ01065604
  • Release Date: 11/06/2023
  • Censorship : Censored
  • Language : Japanese
  • Developer : eroflashclub
  • Size : 32 MB
  • Platform : Windows

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1 Comment

  • Uss July 15, 2023

    developer please put the version number in the description

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